Monday, April 2, 2012

Julep Maven Varnish in Natasha

I've got two different kinds of pictures taken by my iPhone (DSLR was dead! I hadn't noticed till I went to go use it!) of Julep Maven Varnish in Natasha. The top photo is in indoor light with a little sunlight filtered through a window. The lower photo is out in direct sunlight. 

Natasha is very similar to Essie's Meet Me at Sunset. It is very opaque, even with just one coat of polish and has a fairly good sheen to it. The color didn't chip at all during the three days I was wearing it. Really, the only reason I took it off was because I painted my toe nails with Essie's Ole Caliente and ruined my Natasha manicure in the process! 

My only minor gripe was the formula was a little drippy! When I would take the brush and dip it into the bottle and pull it out polish would drip every where! Even when I tried to regulate the amount of polish that got on the brush and the stick it would still run and drip down from the plastic stem. I accidentally dripped a few dots of orange onto my carpet! Oops!

In non-Julep Natasha news, I have got a major sunburn on my chest. Which, for me, is my number one burn spot other than the part of my hair. I need to be a little more vigilant about applying sunscreen if I don't want to age my skin so much! For some reason the burn is just absolutely itchy and it is driving me insane!    


  1. Amazing colour Tawni! Thank you for sharing! Still can't get over how perfectly neat you apply your nail polish ... ;)

    <3 Mandy xx

    1. Oh, there is a reason why I always photograph the same hand! My right hand always looks terrible because of my shaky left hand! I need to get some of those pointy q-tips for clean up but I keep forgetting!

  2. Such a pretty color! You can't even tell it's taken with your phone actually. I do love the Essie's meet me at sunset too, I think just a little better than Natasha. This one reminds me of Kourt is red-y for a pedi, a lot! Still super pretty though.

    1. Ah good! I hate taking pictures without my DSLR. I've been wanting to try the Kardashian nail polishes for a while now! I should go get some of them!

  3. this colour is great! loving coral at the moment!


  4. Very pretty colour, I've been stocking up on corals lately. Never tried this brand before, I might give it a go!

