Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Very Pinterest-ing! My Pinterest Follow List

I'm addicted to Pinterest. Not only do I have the Laptops and Lipgloss profile and boards (which I am working on building up), I have a personal account as well. Lately, I've been bored with the random people I know and their boards. I can go whole days without one of them posting! That is not enough for my addiction. So, I get my kicks following some badass Pinsters with awesome shares. I'd love to know what Pinners you guys are following? Any suggestions that aren't on the list?

Also, if you don't know what Pinterest is, I suggest you check it out immediately. It is a image bookmarking site that is absolutely fabulous for saving anything from make-up styles, interior designs, tech tips, gardening tips-- really the list could go on and on. Go check Pinterest out, now!

So here is a list of some great Pinterest users that I've been following or have been perusing their boards:

(Click on the link to go to their Pinterest board!)

And, of course I'm going to self-promote! Follow the Laptops and Lipgloss Pinterest boards by clicking on the Pinterest badge on the upper right corner near the Bloglovin' image (follow me there too!).

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